Vision, mission and values


To be the preferred source for diesel system parts and services and equipment of vehicle owners, fleet operators and manufacturers.

Our Vision

To be the preferred source for diesel system parts and services and equipment.

Help enable vehicle owners, and fleet operators to:

  1. keep "cost of ownership" down;
  2. reduce equipment downtime, and;
  3. increase availability of the vehicle (fleet) for continuous operation.

And help partner workshops extend the same to their own customers.

All of which should lead to keeping customers happy with our service, and their profits.

Malabon Diesel, Diesel King and MACS intend to be dominant in share-of-heart in each of the industries that we serve. We say Love comes in many forms. With passion, we will build a loving business relationship full of loyalty, appreciation and trust.

Our Mission

"Drive to excellence -- A continuous commitment to customer satisfaction."

Both internal and external, the primary purpose of this position is to assist our partners (personnel and suppliers) in servicing customers in whatever way necessary in order to achieve 100% customer satisfaction. Each day we grow in knowledge, skill, experience and abilities. Every day, we translate the learnings into benefits that will help our own customers grow.

Our Core Values

  1. Drive to excellence. Consistency in every aspect of the business will set our position in the industry as well as meet the customer's expectations.
  2. Continuous improvement. Each product and service would always have room for improvements in terms of quality and cost.
  3. Harmony and respect. Each member is a valuable part of a team. The gain of one is a gain for all.
  4. Fairness. We will give the best to our customers, suppliers, employees and stockholders, and nothing less.

Our core purpose is to provide customers with quality products and services that more than satisfy expectations. It evolved from the principle of under-promising and over-delivering.

Our motto: Up-front and fair.

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